Leadership Development
for Individuals and Teams“A leader is someone with the power to project either shadow or light upon some part of the world, and upon the lives of the people who dwell there. A leader shapes the ethos in which others must live…. A good leader has high awareness of the interplay of inner shadow and light, lest the act of leadership do more harm than good.” — Parker Palmer, Leading From Within
We Lead Who We Are
Leadership CAN be learned. Effective leaders are always challenging themselves to grow bigger in both mindset and skillset.
CourageWork leadership development helps you or your team realistically assess your strengths and limitations, and the potentially limiting assumptions you hold about yourself and others.
We then help you move beyond those limitations by increasing both understanding and your range of effective behaviors. This is a critical skill set for teams committed to addressing race, gender, and class bias.

Learning Topics – Leadership and the Five C’s
CourageWork learning workshops are designed to open up new and empowering perspectives on leadership and five big C’s:
Leadership (“leading from within” – leadership based on the foundation of one’s own integrity and the empowerment of leadership at all levels in an organization)
- Culture (creating healthy communities based on trust, accountability, appreciation, cultural respect, and rich diversity)
- Conflict (engaging in it constructively)
- Communication (connecting across various lines of difference, speaking truth and listening with an open mind to others’ truths, setting and holding healthy boundaries, understanding developmental issues for adults in various stages and with varying styles)
- Commitment (activating internal motivation in yourself and in others)
- Change (working skillfully with resistance, paradoxes, and the complex energies that move us forward and that hold us back)
Sessions integrate ideas from Circles of Trust®, Polarity Management®, Immunity to Change®, Non-Violent Communication, constructive conflict, difficult conversations, adult development theory, enneagram personality styles, adaptive leadership, Conscious Embodiment® and much more.
While at Seattle University, working with Yarrow was a transformative experience for our team. By having a skilled facilitator engage us to surface all angles of our capabilities, strengths and opportunities for growth set us on a good course to develop our organization to live its mission.
CourageWork leadership development helps you balance:
- Attention inward (to your thoughts, actions, emotions, and body) and outward to those same dimensions in others
- Reflection and action
- Decisiveness and inclusiveness in decision making
- Focus on outcomes and focus on process
- Relationships and tasks
- Long and short term focus
- Home and work life
- Care of yourself and care of others
In addition, work will often focus on:
- Prioritization
- Delegation
- Coaching and mentoring others
- Communication
- Engaging constructively with conflict
- Working with change and people’s response to it
- Creating a culture of trust and accountability
- Challenging your own assumptions and historically conditioned patterns of responses.
CourageWork leadership development is offered both as individual coaching or work with a leadership team.
All programs are custom designed to meet client needs. Contact me to discuss your unique situation.
Let's Chat!
I look forward to talking in person about how the support and challenge of my coaching or group facilitation can help you and your organization thrive in new and surprising ways.