Individual Coaching
No matter how smart or strong or clear or kind we are, we can benefit from the support and challenge of a powerful coaching relationship at key moments in our development – both professionally and personally. As a trained Integral Coach, I am committed to helping you integrate your head, heart, body and spirit in service to your effectiveness at work and home, your happiness, and the health of our communities.
Leadership Development
Unlocking leadership potential at all levels of an organization creates thriving workplaces, especially ones committed to equity and addressing race, gender, class and other biases. CourageWork focuses on strengthening mindsets (attitudes and assumptions, both limiting and liberatory) as well as skillsets (actual behaviors). With focused reflection and practice, leaders and teams create new patterns that move them toward their goals and greater connection with each other.
(Re)building Team Trust and Collaboration
Inevitably in the course of our collective lives, conflict and differences can lead to breakdowns in trust, communication and collaboration. Using a variety of approaches to unlock shared values and open new channels of communication and empathy, CourageWork can transform breakdowns into experiences of growth, reconnection and healing.